What to know - Bradyseism

What to know?

Bradyseism consists of phases of slow ground lowering, alternating with phases of more rapid ground uplift. The uplift can be accompanied by seismic activity with events that usually do not reach high magnitudes. However, since they are very shallow, they are easily perceived and can damage infrastructure and buildings. Therefore, knowing what to do in case of an earthquake is essential.

"Bradyseism" affects the entire Phlegraean Fields area. However, the most impacted area includes the municipalities of Pozzuoli, Bacoli, and Naples (Bagnoli and part of the municipalities of Soccavo/Pianura and Posillipo). 

This area has been designated as an "intervention area" by the Rapid Emergency Planning provided by Decree-Law 140 of October 12, 2023.

Within this "intervention area," a "restricted intervention area" has been identified in which the most remarkable effects could occur if the bradyseism continues and/or intensifies.

The "restricted intervention area" includes exclusively part of Pozzuoli and Naples (Bagnoli area) municipalities. People living in the "restricted intervention area" could be evacuated from their homes if ground deformations increase significantly in acceleration and seismicity increases in frequency and energy, causing significant structural damage to buildings and infrastructure and critical issues such that essential services for citizens can no longer be guaranteed.

It is essential to know when and how your house was built (with what materials and on what type of soil) and whether it was later modified, respecting seismic standards.

Decree-Law No. 140/2023 established a plan to analyze private buildings' seismic vulnerability to identify suitable measures for the seismic requalification of the most vulnerable buildings and the necessary financial resources. 

The definition of the activities is currently ongoing. If you have any doubts or want to know more, you can contact the Civil Protection office in your municipality.