The campaign manifesto

Manifesto INR - evidenza

A public communication campaign on good civil protection practices based on the synergy between science, volunteers and institutions for everyone with clear and identifiable messages to translate awareness into action 365 days.

I don't take risks aims to raise awareness on risks, either natural or caused by human activity, to which we are exposed as individuals and communities, and to promote activities and behaviours to prevent or reduce their consequences.

I don't take risks, through information and awareness-raising activities, promotes the diffusion of good practices, concrete actions for risk reduction, and contributes to the creation of a civil protection culture.
Awareness on what to do before, during and after a dangerous situation and know the civil protection system is fundamental for everyone's safety.

I don't take risks is a campaign promoted by the National Civil Protection Service. Here the volunteers play a key role and the scientific community is directly involved, through collaboration and constant dialogue with national and local institutions.

I don't take risks is aimed at everyone on Italian territory. It promotes initiatives, tools and languages accessible to everyone without distinction of age, education, physical and social condition.
Inclusion and diversity have an enormous value, and contamination is an opportunity to be always open to new connections and collaborations.

I don't take risks promotes a clear communication to convey scientifically correct information in a simple and accessible way.
It is a polyphonic campaign with a distinct identity, in which each campaign initiative is designed to be identifiable and coherent, both visually and in terms of content.

I don't take risks focuses on the active role we can all play in risk prevention and reduction by being proactive before a disaster occurs.
Our daily choices, whether as individual, family or community, can make a difference, enhancing safety for us and everyone around us.

I don't take risks is a permanent, year-round campaign. Every activity and initiative of I don't take risks is part of a bigger story to write together, day after day.