What to do - Volcanic risk

What to do?

Awareness of risk and knowledge of the Civil Protection Plan is a responsibility for all of us. With simple actions you can better prepare for an emergency.

Share what you know with family, at school, friends, and colleagues: spreading information about volcanic risk is a collective responsibility, and we all must contribute.

Ask your Municipality about the Civil Protection Plan to find out about escape routes and the waiting areas; otherwise, request its preparation to ensure preparedness.

If you or one of your relatives need special assistance (people with disabilities, elderly people), inform your municipality and make sure that specific measures are provided for in the Civil Protection Plan.

Keep up to date and follow the instructions of the civil protection authorities (Municipality, Regional Civil Protection Department, National Civil Protection Department) via radio, television, press, internet, social media and toll-free numbers (Department's Contact Center and Regional Operational Room).

Volcanic eruptions are often preceded by earthquakes. For this reason, please check that your home is safe and adopt all the necessary measures to avoid situations that may represent a danger.

Avoid using underground and basement rooms for living, working, and recreational activities. In particular, do not use them for sleeping and do not allow access to them by unaccompanied children.

Always ventilate spaces before entering them (especially rooms that have been closed for a long time or underground and basements areas such as cellars and garages). 

Participate in exercises and information meetings on volcanic risk organized on your territory.

In this operational phase, the monitoring of the volcano is intensified and civil protection plans are checked.

During the attention phase, before a possible eruption, volcano activity can give rise to dangerous phenomena.

Bradyseism consists of a slow lowering and uplifting of the ground, during which earthquakes can occur. To learn how to behave in case of earthquake, read the rules of conduct.

Outgassing from the ground consists of increased emission of volcanic gases from the ground, especially in some areas. Some of these gases, in high concentrations, can be dangerous, therefore:

  • avoid depressed areas and structures where volcanic gases can accumulate (basements, garages, empty swimming pools, water collection channels, underground tanks, wells, etc.); if you need to access them, however, reduce the time you stay there as much as possible and make sure there is someone outside who can render aid.
  • avoid areas near volcanic gas emissions, especially during nighttime and during unfavorable weather conditions (no wind, cloudiness, fog).
  • if you notice potentially dangerous situations related to volcanic gas emissions, such as the presence of dead animals for no apparent reason, move away immediately and notify the municipality.

If you live in the red zone

Ask your municipality about the Civil Protection Plan to know the removal routes and waiting areas. Start thinking about whether, when the authorities provide instructions, you will move away in your car or in the vehicle that will be provided by the civil protection.

Also start thinking about whether you will move to another house of your property or to relatives or friends, outside the red and yellow zones, receiving financial assistance. Alternatively, you can benefit from the accommodation offered by the state, in the Region or Autonomous Province twinned with your municipality.

Remember to notify your municipality if you or a family member has special assistance needs for removal and alternative housing.

During this operational phase, the longest and most complex operations to be carried out in the red zone begin: relocation of people in hospitals and prisons, transfer of farm animals and securing the most important cultural assets.

If you live in the red zone

If you already want to move away at this stage, you can do so: you will receive a financial contribution from the State. In this case, be sure to inform your Municipality. If you decide to stay, be ready to leave as soon as the authorities advise you:

Make a list of essential things to bring with you (documents, medicines, glasses, etc.).

Be informed about removal routes to follow.

If you plan to use the means made available by the civil protection, inform your Municipality also signaling the presence of pets to organize the transport.

In case of not have done so yet, inform your Municipality if you or a family member have special needs for assistance.

If you or a family member are hospitalized in a health center, you will be transferred to another adequate health center outside the area at risk, which can be located in a region other than the one twinned with your Municipality.

Remember that at this stage, for safety reasons the access to the red zone will be controlled.

If you live in the yellow zone

Make sure you are equipped with protective masks, dust glasses, food, water, medicine, torches and ash removal tools.

If you or a family member have respiratory or cardiovascular disease, please consult your doctor to find out how to protect your health in case of an emergency situation.

In this operational phase, the IT-alert message is sent to alert of a potential upcoming eruption. In the alarm phase, evacuation of the population from the red zone is planned. The maximum estimated time for the evacuation is three days (72 hours). Operations are coordinated by civil protection authorities.  

If you live in the red zone

Go home and pack your bags. Be sure to take the essential things (documents, medicines, etc.).

Don't waste time saving goods and objects that you won't bring with you.

Before leaving the house, close doors, windows, gas, water and turn off the electrical system.

If you decide to leave the area autonomously, follow only the removal routes indicated in the plan and following the scheduled times. Make sure that your car has sufficient fuel.

If you choose to use assisted transport, get to the waiting area assigned to you by the municipal civil protection Plan, according to the timetable set by your Municipality. You can take your pet with you, according to the procedures provided by your Municipality.

The ban on the red zone can last for a long period of time and access to the area will be presided over by law enforcement authorities.

If you live in the yellow zone

Be prepared for a possible temporary relocation.

All people in the red zone either independently settled outside the risk zones or have been transferred to the twinned regions or autonomous provinces.

If you live in the yellow zone

In case of heavy volcanic ash fallout, on request of the civil protection authorities, you must temporarily leave your home. An accommodation will be assigned to you within your Municipality or in a Municipality within the Campania Region.

Before drinking water from the tap, make sure that local ordinances or notices do not forbid it; carefully rinse foods that have been in contact with volcanic ash.

If your residential area has not been evacuated during the volcanic ash fall, stay at home with the windows closed.

If you have to go out, it is recommended to wear a protective mask and dustproof glasses.

It is very dangerous to drive on road covered with ash. The car can be damaged and hinder emergency vehicles. Avoid the use of motorcycles.