notizia13 aprile 2023

I don't take risks at the "Civil Protection Days" in Rome

The first square dedicated to forest fire risk will be inaugurated at the Circo Massimo

Io non rischio alle "Giornate della protezione civile" di Roma - Evidenza

On 15 and 16 April, Rome's Circo Massimo will be the venue of "The Civil Protection Days for the resilience of the Capitoline community", an initiative promoted by Roma Capitale with the support of the Civil Protection Department and the Lazio Region's Civil Protection Agency.

The event, open to the public, is an opportunity to learn about the activities of the National Civil Protection Service and the operational Structures belonging to it. During the two-day event, visitors will attend numerous seminars, observe practical demonstrations, and visit the exhibition areas. Play and educational paths will be provided for the youngest visitors.

I don't take risks will be present at the event with a stand entirely dedicated to natural risks and good Civil Protection practices.
More than 30 volunteer communicators from 7 local associations will meet citizens at four information points to explain how to deal with earthquake, flood and tsunami risks with awareness and, for the first time, the new forest fire risk, which from this spring will become a permanent part of the campaign.

Information on risks, diffusion of the culture of prevention, but also experiential learning. The visitors at the I don't take risks centre will experience the effects of earthquakes first-hand with the 'Sisma VR' project by the Lares Italia voluntary association: thanks to the use of optical visors, visitors will be immersed in a virtual reality experience where they can feel the effects of an earthquake and learn the correct behaviour to adopt in the case of a quake.

On both days, access to the event will be open from 9.30 AM to 7.30 PM.