notizia14 ottobre 2024

I don't take risks attends the first G7 - Inclusion and Disability

On October 14, the G7 Inclusion and Disability kicks off in Assisi with an open day

Punto informativo Io Non Rischio ad Assisi durante il G7 Inclusione e disabilità

The first-ever G7 dedicated to Inclusion and Disability issues will occur from October 14-16. Ministers from the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy will meet in Umbria to discuss policies for including and empowering people with disabilities.

The opening day of the G7, October 14, is open to all citizens who wish to participate. Delegations are welcomed to Assisi, and the Ministers will address their greetings to all present to encourage greater sharing and participation on inclusion issues.

The event will feature 3 bands and 80 musicians, including 50 with disabilities. Additionally, there will be food trucks from all over Italy where young people with autism and other disabilities will work. About 100 associations will showcase their projects and activities along Assisi's main street. Among them, there will be an I don't take risks information point set up with volunteers from the Umbria Region, including the Bastia Umbra Municipal Group, Perugia Municipal Group, Cannara Municipal Group, and "Le orme di Askan-Sezione di Narni" rescue dog groups, who are bringing I don't take risks - Flood to Assisi.

The commitment of I don't take risks in this area is stated in the Manifesto: "The national campaign I don't take risks - good civil protection practices promotes initiatives, tools, and languages to involve the widest audience possible. It recognizes the value of diversity, treats contamination as an asset, and always remains open to new connections and collaborations."

The campaign is dedicated to ensuring that information, measures, and tools are readily available to promote a culture of civil protection. This is crucial for the full inclusion of all citizens and to enhance awareness of risks. In emergencies, people with disabilities may face additional challenges, so it's important to listen to and involve all citizens. Participation is one of the founding values of prevention.

On October 15, a preparatory day is scheduled at Castello di Solfagnano (Pg) with around 160 delegates and 6 discussion panels. Experts worldwide will speak about the priorities identified by the G7 countries. The topics to be addressed will include "Universal accessibility, prevention, and emergency management," introduced by Fabio Ciciliano, the Head of the Civil Protection Department.